All products in the Link Plus Safety Range, including the OWTF-45, OMTF-48, FWTF-49, FMTF-50, SMTF-38, SWTF-35, Standard Removable Tent Frame, Foldaway Removable Tent Frame, Reflective Tape, PVC Manhole Guard Tent, and Strap (“Products”) are provided by the manufacturer Link Plus Pty Ltd “as is” and without express warranties of any kind. Any statements by Link Plus concerning the Products are indicative only and are intended solely to be a guide to the features and use of the Products and any other matters referred to. The Products must be used correctly to perform the functions indicated, and Link Plus accepts no responsibility for any injury, loss or damage directly or indirectly arising in connection with the use of the Products.
While Link Plus has endeavoured to ensure that the information made available regarding the Products is accurate, complete, and up-to-date, no guarantee is provided that this is or will be the case. By using the Products the customer acknowledges and agrees that the customer has formed the customer’s own view of the suitability of the Products for the intended use. Link Plus reserves the right to modify or discontinue any Products or prices or any literature referring to any Products at any time without notice.
Link Plus excludes all conditions, warranties and terms implied by statute, general law or custom, except for any condition, warranty or term the exclusion of which would contravene the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 or otherwise cause any part of this disclaimer to be void (“Non-excludable Condition”). Link Plus’ liability for breach of any Non-excludable Condition is limited, at Link Plus’ option, to any one of re-supplying, replacing or repairing the Products in respect of which a breach occurred. To the extent permitted by law, Link Plus excludes all liability for breach of contract or for negligence or for any other cause of action, including without limitation any direct, indirect or consequential damages, arising from or in connection with any use of the Products.